How Can the Checkstand Program Help Place Your Product in C-stores?

Checkstand program


How Can the Checkstand Program Help Place Your Product in C-stores?

Are you a manufacturer of a product geared towards convenience stores? Then the right place to launch your product would be through a unique program called “Check stand Program”. Our program is the best platform to launch your product across a wide network of convenience store chains, store brokers and convenience store rack jobbers across the nation. If you have a product that can be launched on a large scale then you need to find the right convenience store chain or distributor to take your product to the right target customer to bring you good profits.

What is check stand program? – This program provides a platform for manufacturers to design an effective marketing launch plan for their products so that it receives a favorable reception in convenience stores and is available to buyers. CSP or Check stand program specializes in conducting test launches for products throughout convenience stores in regional or statewide markets. The program assists the company or individual to either prove their concept to retailers and distributors on their own or helps them in designing an effective presentation to highlight positives.

Promotional facilities offered by Check stand Program – Manufacturers looking to enter the convenience store market have to first test local markets are areas where there is a ready market for their products. If convenience stores are convinced that the producer’s products are worthy and there is a steady demand for them only then will it allow those products to be stacked on their shelves. Firms seeking to increase the distribution of their products can easily take the help of checkstand program to test markets before zeroing in on profitable markets.

  1. Checkstand marketing program – This market testing program focuses on presenting products across convenience store distribution cycle to increase volumes. While the customers are testing a product to given opinion the convenience store is also gauging its utility among its customers. This market test performs twin activities of product display and testing for which manufacturer is charged a specific sum per store depending on location and store size. The first product tests are run within the member convenience store chains of Checkstand Program and depending on their success the product is presented to other c store chains, c store brokers and distributors.

While this program can help bring your product to multiple convenience stores and display it in a likeable manner, the onus of selling the product is entirely up to the manufactures and their agents. Marketing activities like in-stores demonstration, brand building through internet blogs and media publicity activities.

Steps to increase product visibility through Checkstand Program

  1. Selecting c-stores from among (200 – 5000) which will be best suited for their product display.
  2. Payment of fees for display per store along with free display.
  3. Drawing up a contract for agreed number of stores where your product will be displayed.
  4. The distribution team of Checkstand program identifies best locations suitable for sale of the client’s products.
  5. The product is shipped directly to distributors, which are partners of Check Stand Program
  6. It is the responsibility of Check Stand Program to test product demonstrations and seeks ways to improve it to capture attention of target customers.
  7. Checkstand Program follows-up with the c store distributors etc. to collect additional orders and manages accounts at 5 percent brokerage.
  8. If you want nationwide distribution for your products then Checkstand Program helps to distribute in those markets depending on feedback in local markets.

Premium package of Check Stand Program

There are firms which have good sales and necessary production structure in place to handle large orders, but are unable to manage all of their sales or brokers. This is where the Premium Package from Checkstand Program is helpful in providing consulting and broker management to product manufacturers.

Advantage of Check Stand Program – This program is more effective then weaving through directories of product distributors and making product demonstrations before them. For many manufacturers pinpointing the right place on store shelves for their products and getting customer’s attention is a difficult exercise. In these circumstances the professional expertise of this Checkstand Program comes handy as they design the entire marketing plan from presentation and display nationwide distribution and also identifying profitable markets and customers. They also help you to design an appropriate marketing strategy to first gain attention and build product consciousness among customers in small stores before venturing into large convenience store chains. Their market experts will work out an effective price strategy to penetrate markets and establish product brand before moving into higher price brand.

After you sign up with a Checkstand Program you can rest assured that their team of professionals will take care of your product launch and ensure that it reaches target customers at a competitive price. If they find that your product is a winner then they will expand it across the nation within their network which will bring in large orders for your product. The best part of this program is that they will expand your product sales within their network and also into other c store distributors where they know a market exists for your products.